Yes. I blog. About all things digital. About my experiences living and teaching around the world. About great and not-so-great virtual and physical User Experiences. But, most importantly, I blog for you. You are, without a doubt, my favorite blog reader.

Interview with Ed Benguiat
Back in 1999, while in New York, I had the pleasure of studying Typeface Design at the School of Visual Arts with Edward Benguiat, a design legend and a true character. A few months after the class, my colleague and friend, Trudy Schnitzler and I interviewed him for Box, an Argentinian design magazine.
Ed Benguiat passed away on October 15th 2020 aged 92. He was a great influence on me as a person, as a designer and, years later, as a teacher. His classes were an incredible mix of design and personal stories. He was bright, funny, humble and accessible. We met twice for the interview at a pub (Bull's Head Tavern?) near SVA and he was just as passionate as he was in class. A very generous person who shared his immense knowledge in a practical and fun way. Thank you Ed. It was an honour meeting you. And thank you for the xmas card!